Zhujiajiao Water Town

On the outskirts of Shanghai, there is a quiet and comfortable ancient town, which is called Zhujiajiao. In the morning, Zhujiajiao is the liveliest. There are restaurants selling steaming meat in the street; there are rumbling workshops selling silk quilts; there are small shops selling suave Jiangnan silk; there are bright and stylish shops selling literary tea sets, which repeats the business trajectory that comes with Jiangnan Water Town. Occasionally, there are some boat vendors selling vegetables on the shore of the bridge. You can buy some vegetables and pick up the fresh river food to cook and start a good day.

It’s a good thing to kill time on Caohe Street, because there are two places where you will be fascinated (Cat Empty Bookstore and Daqing Post Office), and when you are tired, you can find a favorite riverside teahouse to have a rest. Although it is not a good season to taste tea, it is a good time for drinking tea. If you love to drink tea, as always, drinking Longjing, only for the freshness of the first tea.

Zhujiajiao Water Town is known as “Shanghai Venice” and “Shanghai Suburb Hollywood”. The small bridge in the town has the title of “Jiangnan Pearl”. There are 36 ancient bridges in Zhujiajiao, which are simple and elegant. 9 long streets are built on the water. The residential houses are built according to the water. Featuring the type of Ming and Qing architecture, the ancient style still exists. In particular, the five-hole stone arch release bridge across the Ming Dynasty building in Dagang was built in the Ming Dynasty and is very beautiful. It is one of the oldest stone arch bridges in Shanghai and the first of the ten scenic spots in Zhujiajiao.

Zhujiajiao Water Town is not as lively as Wuzhen and Zhouzhuang. The guests on a day trip usually leave at 16:00 or 17:00 in the afternoon. When the sun sets, people leave, the shops close and the streets and lanes become quiet and elegant.

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