Badaling Great Wall

When you are to take a trip to the Great Wall, it will be better to choose the best time such as the earlier Autumn if your time is flexible, as when you visit there on October, you will feel it very cold.

Most of the visitors chose to climb the North Great Wall. The lady on the bus will tell you that the North Eighth Building is the highest Building of the Badaling Great. If you take pulley, it will drive you to the Fourth Building of the North, but if you take the cable car, you can go to the Seventh Building of the North. The prices are not cheap, and it is only One way.

In fact, the road to the Great Wall is very easy to go. Many slopes are not steep and have anti-slip designs. You will sigh the wisdom of the people of Greater China. The sky is pure blue, so the view is very good. You can see that the Great Wall has been connected all the time without end. In October, maybe because the temperature is too low, many red leaves are already falling, but it still feels very good.

When you arrive at the Eighth Building of the North Great Wall, you will find that there are really many visitors. The North Eighth Building is the end point for most people to climb the Great Wall. It is also a higher one, and you will feel other mountains around it are very small. Going north to ninth building, and if you still have enough energy, keep going all the way to North Tenth Building, North Eleventh Building, it is simply perfect for your Badaling Great Wall tour. In fact, the scenery in the eleventh building of the North Great Wall is more beautiful and better, and it is not crowed, but the road is not as good as before, the stairs in many places are vertical, so keep in mind to be careful when climbing the 9th to 11th buildings.

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